Program > February 5th Sessions


N.B. Programme subject to amendment


5 February 2020

Sessions 4

11 am – 12.30 pm


4.1 When mobility becomes an issue of inclusion [WG2]      

    Moderation: Joël Meissonnier

✓ The needs of the elderly in terms of mobility within the community: what has been written Sylvie Miaux, Ginette Aubin, Hélène Carbonneau, University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières, Canada

✓ Recognising the needs of the elderly and the disabled regarding their independent use of public transport
Caroline PigeonAline AlauzetLaurence Paire-Ficout, LESCOT IFSTTAR, France

✓ The urban environment: support for inclusion and the reinvention of mobility for older people
Carlyne Berthot, Grenoble-Alpes University, Grenoble Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po Grenoble), Pacte, France

✓ When the time comes to stop driving: access to the car as a new risk of exclusion?
Joël Meissonnier, Maria Tébar, Fabrice Hasiak, CEREMA (Centre for Studies and Expertise on Risks, the Environment, Mobility and Planning, Centre d’Études et d’Expertise sur les Risques, l’Environnement, la Mobilité et l'Aménagement), ESPRIM Research Team, France

4.2 Inclusion/exclusion from political life with advancing age [WG4]

    President: Antoine Bosquet

✓ Decision to take political action amongst older indigenous populations in Ecuador
Jonathan Guillemot, Institute of Gerontology, King's College London, Escuela de Medicina, Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ, Ecuador

✓ Should they be (ex/in)cluded? A political analysis of the issue of the involvement of older people in the Ivory Coast’s political arena
Netton Prince Tawa, Alassane-Ouattara University, Bouaké, Ivory Coast

✓ Older vulnerable people's citizenship: an issue of social justice
Lea Sgier, Institute for Citizenship Studies (Institut d'études de la citoyenneté), University of Geneva (Incite, Unige); Barbara LucasMaëlle Meigniez, University of Social Work (Haute école de travail social), Geneva HES-SO (Hets), Switzerland

4.3 MUTAC ROUND TABLE Active solidarity between generations and voluntary involvement. From research to action [WG5]

    President: Nicole Bigas, President of the MUTAC Foundation
    Moderation: Virginie Hugault

✓ Introduction
Philippe Bergogne, Managing Director of the MUTAC Foundation

✓ The challenges of pensioners’ social and voluntary involvement 
Tabitha Oubda, University of Lorraine, 2L2S, France

✓ Social involvement and advancing age. Analysis and results of the “Ageing and Being Useful” (“Vieillir et Être Utile”) survey
Frédéric Balard, Alice Miron, University of Lorraine, 2L2S, France

✓ Barriers and levers to social and voluntary involvement. What can we learn from the work undertaken in Quebec?
Andrée Sévigny, Institute on Ageing and the Social Participation of the Elderly (Institut sur le vieillissement et la participation sociale des aînés), University of Laval, Canada

✓ Feedback from Offices involved in building a strategy for activating the social involvement of pensioners
Guy Vançon, President of the Nancy Office for the Elderly (Office Nancéen des Personnes Âgées) (subject to alteration) and Manuella Sciuto-Zinck, Director of the Belfort Office for the Elderly (Office Belfortain des Personnes âgées), France

Presentation of the MUTAC Foundation awards

4.4 Lifelong learning, challenges and issues for inclusion [WG7]

    President: Dominique Kern
    Moderation: Aline Chamahian

✓ Universities for the elderly in urban China: institutions for inclusion, assignment or social control?
Justine Rochot, Centre for Studies of Modern and Contemporary China (Centre d’Études sur la Chine et Contemporaine, EHESS) and the Sorbonne Institute for Development Studies (Institut d’Études du Développement de La Sorbonne), Panthéon-Sorbonne University, France

✓ Between gerontagogy and lifelong learning. The model of “personal blossoming pedagogy”
Boniface Bahi, Alberta University, Edmonton, Canada; Mihaela-Viorica Rusitoru, IUTAM Montreal, Canada

✓ Training: a precondition for access to end-of-life rights and involvement in public policy- making
Annie Mollier, Grenoble-Alpes University, SFR Santé Société, France

4.5 Abuse, legal protection and support [WG9]

    President: Alice Casagrande
    Moderation: Dominique Terrasson

✓ Legal protection: the only answer to the vulnerability of the elderly
Isabel Perriot-Comte, Legal Representative for the Protection of Adults, Member of the Capdroits Collective; Pierre Bouttier, Tutor-researcher in social sciences and the legal protection of adults, Member of the ACSEDROITS programme, ANR, France

✓ Support for the elderly within CHRSs (Accommodation and Social Reintegration Centres): tensions between autonomy and protection
Arnaud Beal, School of Practicing Psychologists (École des Psychologues Praticiens), the Catholic Institute of Paris (ICP);

Benoît Eyraud, Lumière - Lyon II University, Max Weber Centre (CMW), France

✓ Meeting the challenges of raising awareness to combat the abuse and intimidation of older people (Quebec): development and content of the DAMIA Guide to Practice
Marie Beaulieu, University of Sherbrooke (UdeS), Research Chair on the abuse of older people, Centre for Research on Ageing, Integrated University Health and Social Services Centre; Caroline Pelletier, University of Sherbrooke (UdeS), Research Chair on the abuse of older people, Centre for Research on Ageing, Integrated University Health and Social Services Centre; Marie-Philippe Dubuc, Research Chair on the abuse of older people, DIRA-Estrie, Canada

✓ Speaker: Nicolas Berg, La Citadelle Hospital, Liège. The Walloon Agency for Combating Abuse (Agence wallonne de lutte contre la maltraitance), Respect Senior, Belgium

4.6 ROUND TABLE Inclusive transition: a revolution in the effectiveness of rights within a disability-producing society

    President: Christian Meistermann, Grand Est Regional Representative of APF France handicap
    Moderation: Raùl Morales La Mura

Maryvonne Lyazid, President of the Ages Foundation (subject to alteration)
Pierre-Yves Lenen, Director of APF France handicap Service Provision (subject to alteration)
Jean-Pierre Robin, President of the RIPPH, (subject to alteration)
Dominique Argoud, Paris-Est-Créteil University, President of the CNSA Scientific Council



Sessions 5

2 pm – 3.30 pm


5.1 LUE SYMPOSIUM Ageing and territory: involvement beyond and across borders [WG2]

    President: Peter Dörrenbächer
    Moderation: Marine Le Calvez & Sabrina De Pindray D'ambelle

✓ Introduction
Peter Dörrenbächer, Interreg UniGR-Centre for Border Studies, University of Saarland, Germany

✓ Ageing in caring communes and locally responsible communities
Cornelia Kricheldorff, Institut für Angewandte Forschung, Entwicklung und Weiterbildung, Katholische Hochschule Freiburg, Allemagne

✓ Forms and regional dynamics of ageing 
Christian Pihet, University of Angers, ESO, France

✓Ageing, the development of communities and regional experiences
Suzanne Garon, Centre for Research on Ageing, University of Sherbrooke, Canada

5.2 Power(s) within the city and advancing age [WG4]

    Moderation: Axel Gosserie

✓ Opportunity: the issue of grey power
Jean-Philippe Viriot Durandal, University of Lorraine, 2L2S, France

✓ The political inclusion of senior citizens within France. From fulfilment to civic withdrawal
Bernard Denni, Grenoble-Alpes University, Grenoble Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po Grenoble), CNRS, Pacte, France

✓ "We still represent part of the population!” ("On fait encore partie du monde"!) An ethnography of citizenship within medico-social institutions 
Maëlle Meigniez, Barbara Lucas, Geneva University of Social Work (Haute école de travail social), HES-SO (Hets); Lea Sgier, Institute for Citizenship Studies (Institut d'études de la citoyenneté), University of Geneva (Incite, Unige), Switzerland

✓ Speaker: riding the wave of the yellow vests
Luc Gwiazdzinski, University of Grenoble-Alpes, Pacte, France

5.3 Active ageing, involvement and social integration [WG5]


✓ E.CA.R.E.: Elderly home CAre Residential Engagement
Oscar  Zanutto, Stefania Macchione, Davide Tuis, Fabbrica Europa - Istituto per Servizi di Ricovero e Assistenza agli Anziani  (FABER-ISRAA), Italie

✓ Promoting social participation in the middle and older age to increase the quality of later life
Darya KarevaAnna Cherviakova, Oksana Sinyavskaya, National Research University, Higher School of Economics (HSE), Russia

✓ Active ageing – Participation in Society
Per H. Jensen, Centre for Comparative Welfare Studies (CCWS), Aalborg University, Denmark

✓ Healthy senior citizens in Switzerland: activities, voluntary work and community life – the guarantees of citizenship
Kaj Noschis, Urban Sociology Laboratory (LASUR), Lausanne, Switzerland

5.4 SYMPOSIUM Inclusion through training within the context of ageing: a new idea? [WG7]

     President: Jean-Michel Verdier
    Moderation: Aline Chamahian et Anne Marcilhac

✓ Introduction: Lifelong learning and an inclusive society: for whom? Why? By whom?
Aline Chamahian, Sociologist, University of Lille

✓ Training for carers: proposal or injunction? Inclusive or exclusive? The reasons for non- involvement
Florence Leduc, President of the French Association of Caregivers (Association française des aidants); Judith Mollard, Clinical Psychologist, France Alzheimer

✓ How can the elderly be involved in their own care? Is this possible within the context of neuro-progressive diseases? ETP training for nursing staff
Pascaline Cassagnaud, Geriatrician, CMRR Lille

✓ Access to training: which courses for which professions? How can careers in caring for the elderly be promoted? What improvements can be made?
Anne Marcilhac, Neurobiologist, Director of the ITEV; Annie de Vivie, Gerontologist, Founder of AgeVillage

✓ ITEV Testimonials

5.5 Abuse, gender and social environments [WG9]

    President: Daniel Réguer
    Moderation: Delphine Roulet-Schwab

✓ The meaning given to requests for help from women who have experienced abuse in old age: the results of a doctoral thesis from Quebec
Caroline Pelletier, Marie Beaulieu, University of Sherbrooke (UdeS), Chair of Research on the abuse of the elderly, Centre for Research on Ageing, Integrated University Health and Social Services Centre; Françoise Le Borgne-Uguen, University of Brest, LABERS (EA 3149), France

✓ Societal violence and women’s rights. Social inclusion policies for women accused of witchcraft in Burkina Faso
George Rouamba, Joseph-Ki-Zerbo University, Ouagadougou (UJKZ), Burkina Faso

✓ Collective living for the elderly: the organisational factors that contribute both to abuse between residents, and to “living well together”
Marie Beaulieu, Roxane Leboeuf, Centre for Research on Ageing, Integrated University Health and Social Services Centre, Chair of Research on the abuse of the elderly, University of Sherbrooke (UdeS),Canada

✓ Speaker: Bridget Penhale, University of East Anglia, England

5.6 Disability and ageing


✓ Ageing in individuals with disabilities: a new reality in the provincial institutions of Belgian Hainaut
Annick Vanlierde, Hainaut Health Observatory; Christian Massot, Emmanuelle Plaquet, Sarah Morlet, Geneviève Houioux, Belgium

✓ The experience of inclusion amongst older people living with mental health problems
Ginette Aubin, Centre for Research and Expertise in Social Gerontology (Centre de recherche et d’expertise en gérontologie sociale, Montreal, Quebec (CREGÉS), University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières (UQTR); Karol-Ann Girard, the La-Mauricie-and-Centre-of-Quebec Integrated Health and Social Services Centre, (CIUSSS-MCQ); Hélène Carbonneau, Centre for Research and Expertise in Social Gerontology (Centre de recherche et d’expertise en gérontologie sociale, Montreal, Quebec (CREGÉS), University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières (UQTR); Sylvie Miaux, University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières (UQTR), Canada

✓ Advancing age in people with Down’s Syndrome: siblings as caregivers as an environmental resource?
Lise Lemoine, University of Rennes 2, LP3C Laboratory; Benoît Schneider, University of Lorraine, 2LPN, France

✓ Issues of cultural citizenship within deaf ageing cultures. Exploratory analysis of the musical experiences of elderly deaf sign language users in Montreal.
Line Grenier, University of Montreal - UdeM; Véro Leduc, University of Quebec, Montreal (UQAM), Canada


Sessions 6

4 pm – 5.30 pm


6.1 ROUND TABLE Interreg UniGR-Centre for Border Studies: involvement beyond and across borders: the case of the Grande Région [WG2]

    President: Peter Dörrenbächer
    Moderation: Sabrina De Pindray D'ambelle & Marine Le Calvez

✓ Introduction
Peter Dörenbächer, Interreg UniGR-Centre for Border Studies, University of Saarland, Germany

Anne-Laure Maclot, Christophe Muller, Coordinators of the Senior activ project, Département of the Moselle, France

Marianne Granz, President of Europ'Age, Germany

François Verhulst, Coordination of the Associations of Senior Citizens (CAS), Resident, Belgium*

* subject to confirmation

6.2 ROUND TABLE Questions regarding the exercise of the political rights of the elderly [WG4]

    President: Athanase Benetos
    Moderation: Rosita Kornfeld & Isabel Perriot-Comte

✓ Assessing voting capacity
Antoine Bosquet, APHP, France

✓ Restoring the citizenship of individuals under guardianship: principles and actions proposed by Handéo
Cyril Desjeux, Scientific Director of Handéo

✓ Promoting, ignoring and confiscating. Medico-social institutions and the political rights of their residents
Barbara Lucas, Maëlle Meigniez, Geneva University of Social Work (Haute école de travail social), HES-SO (Hets); Lea Sgier, Institute for Citizenship Studies (Institut d'études de la citoyenneté), University of Geneva (Incite, Unige)

✓ Speakers
  Bernard Ennuyer


6.3 SYMPOSIUM Personalised Citizen Support for Community Integration (Accompagnement-citoyen personalisé d’intégration communautaire, APIC): promoting inclusion at an advanced age through social and leisure activities [WG5]


✓ Adapting Personalised Citizen Support for Community Integration (Accompagnement-citoyen personalise d’intégration communautaire, APIC) to visual impairment and within the clinical contexts of rehabilitation centres
Caroline Pigeon, Lescot-TS2-IFSTTAR; Judith Renaud, School of Optometry, University of Montreal; Mélanie Levasseur, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Sherbrooke, Centre for Research on Ageing, CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS, Canada

✓ The impact of APIC on the lives of older people with disabilities: the different perspectives of older people receiving support and volunteers providing support
Janie Gobeil, Marie-France Dubois, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Sherbrooke, Centre for Research on Ageing, CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS; Catherine Maisonneuve, Centre for Research on Ageing, CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS; Mélanie Levasseur, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Sherbrooke, Centre for Research on Ageing, CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS, Canada

✓ Further research using multicentric and pragmatic Randomised Controlled Trials (ECRs): examples of the strengths and challenges of Personalised Support (APIC)
Mélanie Levasseur, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Sherbrooke, Centre for Research on Ageing, CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS; Catherine Maisonneuve, Centre for Research on Ageing, CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS; Janie Gobeil, Marie-France Dubois - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Sherbrooke, Centre for Research on Ageing, CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS; Johanne Filiatrault, University Institute of Geriatrics Research Centre, Montreal, School of Rehabilitation, University of Montreal; Helen-Maria Vasiliadis, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Sherbrooke, Charles-Le Moyne–Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean Centre for Research on Health Innovations, Canada

6.4 The structuring and conditions of power in defence of the rights of the elderly and the disabled

    President: Raul Morales La Mura*
    Moderation: Marion Scheider-Yılmaz


6.5 SYMPOSIUM Involving elderly people and their families in decisions regarding home care services

    President: Simone Pennec
    Moderation: Françoise Le Borgne-Uguen

✓ Should elderly people play a decision-making role in the APA à domicile (Personal Autonomy at Home Allowance) award process?
Annie Dussuet, Clémence Ledoux, CENS UMR 6025 et DCS UMR 6297, University of Nantes, France

✓ Changes in the legal framework for family carers: between securing the status of carers and derogations from labour law?
Pascal Caillaud, “Law and Social Change” Laboratory, (UMR CNRS 6297), University of Nantes, France

✓ Living in a residential complex with services: to what extent can the elderly and their families be involved?
Béatrice Chaudet, University of Nantes, ESO UMR 6590, France

✓ The direct employment of home carers by recipients of the APA: between trust and dependence
Olivier Crasset, Cens UMR 6025, University of Nantes, France

✓ Being employed by a relative, or working as a home carer and providing a relative with support within the framework of the APA? Proximities and differences between approaches regarding the involvement of the elderly
Françoise Le Borgne-Uguen, Simone Pennec, University of Brest, LABERS (EA 3149), France

6.6 Questions regarding integration, discrimination and intergeneration

    Moderation: Anita Meidani

✓ Intergenerational cohabitation as a means of inclusion for the various generations: using feedback from a research project to consider communication principles and social representation issues
Thomas Watkin, University of Nîmes, Projekt EA7447, France

✓ The multiplicity and complexity of age discrimination in healthcare: the case of osteoporosis management
Jonathan Guillemot, Institute of Gerontology, King's College London, Escuela de Medicina, Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ, Great Britain/Ecuador
✓ Cities, Gender and Ageing: between senior citizens’ right to citizenship and gerontophobia

Anita Meidani, Jean-Jaurès University, Toulouse, LISST, France

✓ Ageism: findings and proposals for an inclusive society vis-à-vis the elderly
Agnieszka Bozanic, University of Barcelona, Spain

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